Winifred Knights (1899-1947):
Early compositional study for The Deluge
Framed (ref: 7002)
Watercolour on paper
4.9 x 7.5 in. (12.5 x 19 cm)
See all works by Winifred Knights drawing watercolour men women 1.PORTRAIT OF AN ARTIST RELIGION
Provenance: Private Collection
Literature: Llewellyn, Sacha, and Paul Liss. Portrait of an Artist. Liss Llewellyn, 2021, p.342.
Compared with an early compositional study, which showed Noah and his family entering the sanctuary of the ark, this study marks a dramatic change in both the mood and treatment. The palette is darker, and all sense of salvation is now lost: the ark has vanished and emphasis is placed on the victims of the flood.